Employer/Recruiter Support Centre

If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact our Customer Support team by submitting an email here [email protected] or calling us at +44(0)1733 742497.

Customer service and support is provided by YourMembership, a leading career site technology provider. Their contact details are listed below, but in the meantime we have prepared a few frequently asked questions and answers to get you started with the process of posting a job(s) and navigating the career pages of our site.

Registration and validation

In order to utilise the career site you must first register and create an employer account.

You may be prompted to validate your account. Validation process is simple and protects our users from spam. Please follow validation instructions provided, and if you have any specific questions or concerns please contact the support team via email at [email protected] .

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Trouble logging in

You must be a registered user to access the career site and post positions. If you think you are already registered you can click on the link “Forgot your password or having trouble logging in?” on the login page.

Before you submit your email address and last name to retrieve your password, be sure to test your browser cookies. They must be enabled. If you still cannot log in, enter your email address and last name in the provided fields and click “Retrieve Password”. Your log in information will be emailed to you.

Please note that this site is powered by JobTarget. You may be a registered user on another career site powered by JobTarget. Please try logging in with those credentials. If you are still having trouble, please contact us by email at [email protected].

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What are cookies and why do they need to be enabled?

Our system requires cookies in order to function properly. A cookie is simply a small piece of text stored on your computer by your browser. They are used for authentication and storing your website preferences. You can check your browser settings to adjust and customise your preferences.

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How do I post a job?

To post a job you must be a registered user and be logged in to your account.

You can click on the “Post a Job” link, which brings you to the “Post/Create a Job” page. Choose the type of posting you wish to purchase and scroll down to enter your posting details.

Please be sure to fill in all required fields marked with a red *. All other fields are not required; however we do recommend you provide as much information as possible to the job seekers. When you have entered all the information you can preview and post your job.

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How do I renew a posting?

You can begin renewing your posting up to 4 days before it is about to expire and up to 4 days after it expires. To renew a job posting, login to your employer account and click on the “My Jobs” tab. Here you will see the name of your position and to the right an icon with the heading of Actions. Mouse over this icon and click on the Renew link.

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What payment options do I have?

We offer a variety of payment options. You will be prompted with available options after you create the posting and click on “Post a Job” button which will direct you to the final payment page.

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How do I edit my currently posted job?

To edit a currently posted job log in to your employer account and click on the “My Jobs” tab. Here you will see the name of your position listed and to the right an icon with the heading of Actions. Mouse over this icon and click on the Edit link.

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How long does it take for my job posting to be searchable by job seekers?

The job postings may take up to an hour to become viewable on the career site by job seekers. Please note that you may not be able to search for your position by all possible search terms immediately after the posting goes live, as it can take up to 24 hours for all of the possible keyword combinations to be entered into our search system.

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If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact our Customer Support team by submitting an email here [email protected] or calling us at +44(0)1733 742497.